To 'tag' something and classify it is graffiti is quite redundant when you see street art that provokes and is thoughtful. Well for three nights Stencil Graffiti Capital is hosting an exhibition of stencil graffiti in both Sydney and Melbourne. If your not heading to St. Jeromes, please take the time to visit this exhibition and realise that not all graffiti is pointless. It's not vandalism, it's freedom on speech.

Image from: Conform, S. Folk, Macmillan Publishing
By: Ro | 26 February 2006 at 14:15 | | 
As we all head back to those educational institutions, just remember that every night in sydney town there will always be something on. Whether it's free or not, just go! i'm so glad i have 2 days off every week now (not incl. the weekends), this only means more hangovers for me. hooray!
For this week's gigs:
Wallspace @ the Annandale free
Bluebottle Kiss @ the Hopetoun
Gelbison @ the Vanguard $13
Kisschasy @ the Hopetoun $18
The Posies @ the Metro $40
Pretty Girls Make Graves, The Gossip @ the Gaelic club $34
Broken Social Scene, New Buffalo @ the Metro $47
St. Jeromes Laneway Festival @ Circular Quay $81 I suggest if you don't have your ticket to St. Jeromes, hurry up! This will be one hell of a street party. I mean just look at the lineup.
By: Ro | 25 February 2006 at 13:24 | | 
As we all recommence (or start) Uni again, the party week (o'week) is all so close. With FREE gigs and food, why not make the extra effort to meet and greet, and have a ball. So far the lineup at the UNSW O'week includes Faker, Sparkadia, Starky, Butterfingers, Bluejuice and Centipede. More info on the bands are here. My pick throughout O'week would have to be Datarock & the Presets but that's at ANU and it was last night! Sorry for the late notice. But on the bright side, Sydney folk have one more chance (two, if you're also going to Good Vibrations) to see Datarock. Next week's gigs include (other than oweek gigs):
Datarock, The Valentinos @ the Mandarin Club $28
Bonnie 'Prince' Billy @ @Newtown
The Mess Hall @ Annandale Hotel $15
The Bedroom Philosopher @ the Mandarin Club $8
British India @ Spectrum
Les Savy Fav, The Hold Steady & Thunderbirds Are Now! @ the Gaelic $39
By: Ro | at 13:58 | |